Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO) continuous its mended for the holistic development of rural populations in the areas of livelihood, skill development, health, education, water and sanitation, nutrition, mother and child health care services, kitchen gardening, growth monitoring, immunizations, arsenic mitigation and the developing needs of marginalized people of Bangladesh from its inception 1988. At the same time, ESDO has been continuing microcredit, social development, food security, disaster management, agricultural development, livestock, fisheries, water resources management, hazardous child labor reduction, counter-trafficking intervention, human rights, adult education, child education, skill development activities for ensuring equitable society free from poverty in ESDOs working area.

ESDO managed the mentioned programs in 3831 Unions, 153 Municipality, 377 Upazila under 51 districts & 7 City Corporation, 8 Division of Bangladesh, directly reaching more than 12 million poor and vulnerable people. Different need-based programs are aimed to enhancing the capabilities of deprived people in terms of social development, disaster facing, food security, agriculture, gender, nutrition, microfinance, health, environment, rights and governance, education and human development, and with empowering them to solve the problems that affect their lives and to cooperate to resisting oppression and exploitation. The undertaking of such self-initiated and autonomous actions is an important achievement in a context where the deprived people are dependent for their livelihood and social security.