Governance of ESDO

A 21-member General Committee (GC) governs ESDO. The GC selects a seven-member Executive Committee (EC). The EC provides policy guidelines to the organization. The Member Secretary of the EC, designated as Executive Director (ED), oversees the programs and activities and provides required guidance to the staff members to carry out the day-to-day activities to achieve individual program objectives and accomplish ESDO's mission and vision as a whole. The Executive Director monitors the program implementation, outcomes, and issues through the organization's established result-based Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) system, meetings with different levels of staff, and direct visits to program participants in the field. The Executive Committee Meeting reports and discusses the progress of project implementation, outcomes, and issues from the previous year. The EC makes decisions and provides future strategic directions to the ED. The ED, through his staff, implements the decisions and directions from EC meetings at both the organization and field levels. Thus, the organization maintains a two-way decision-making and governing process, bottom to top and top to bottom. Each financial year, the organization organizes the Annual General Meeting (AGM), inviting all members of the General Governing Body, Executive Committee, and key staff members to attend. The AGM participants present, discuss, and review all the achievements, outcomes, and emerging issues from the previous year, as well as the decisions made at the EC meeting, before the GC members finally approve them. The AGM also reviews the yearly budget and approves it for next year. This ensures the organization's governance and accountability.

ESDO's existing coordination mechanisms between central and field offices: ESDO follows participatory coordination mechanisms between central and field office management systems. The decision-making flow-chart of ESDO: General Committee ►Executive Committee ►Executive Director ►Central Coordination Unit ►Regional Coordination Unit ► District Focal Team ►Upazila Focal Team/Project Team.

Central Coordination Unit (CCU): ESDO Central Coordination Unit (CCU) consists of 21 Senior Officials (Finance, HR, Program, Administration, MIS, Audit, M&E). The Executive Director is the Chairman of CCU, and the Program Coordinator is the member secretary of CCU. CCU meetings are regularly held every month with all CCU members.

Regional Coordination Unit (RCU): 5 Regional coordination units to ensure coordination between central and field- level offices.

District Focal Team (DFT): The District Focal Team (DFT) is the coordination unit of all ongoing programs under any district.

Upazila Focal Team (UFT): Upazila Focal Team (UFT) is the coordination unit of all ongoing programs under Upazila. In addition, UTF regularly organizes quarterly project review meetings, half-yearly progress review meetings, and yearly planning meetings.

The Executive Committee: The Present Executive Committee of Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO) formed by the General Committee of ESDO dated 24 June 2022, AGM No: 512 for the period of (July 2022 to June 2025)